www.tnresults.nic.in 12th result 2023

Admission to a good college or the college you want is based on your 12th result. Every college has its percentage limit for admission. It does not matter whether you belong to Science, Commerce, or Arts. When you get a good college then you get good faculties, a good environment, a good canteen, and good learning. So the 12th class result is one of the very important things for your career. Moreover, if you score well in the 12th class then there are a lot of government colleges which are having a very low fee. The 12th result is one of the very vital things that everyone asks about it. If you score well you and your parents will be happy. Getting a good or a dream college is based on the 12th result. So today we will go through the www.tnresults.nic.in 12th result 2023. So stay connected with the article.
Tamil Nadu’s 12th result: www.tnresults.nic.in 12th result 2023
The Tamil Nadu Government declared the 12th result in 2023. The percentage of students who cleared the exam is 94.03 percent. There is a tremendous thing happened 326 schools in Tamil Nadu got a 100 percent pass percentage. The ratio of girls who passed the exam is 96.4 percent, on the other hand, the ratio of boys is 87.79 percent. Now the ratio of government schools who passed the exam is 89.90 percent and private schools passing percentage is 99.09 percent.
Where and how to check the result: www.tnresults.nic.in 12th result 2023
You can find the 12th result on the official website of the board which is tnresults.nic.in, dge1.tn.nic.in, dge2.tn.nic.in and dge.tn.gov.in. Initially, students need to enter their roll number and date of birth to see the result online.
The 12th Exams were conducted by the government from March 13 2023 to April 3, 2023. Approximately, 8.8 lakh students wrote the Board exams this year. Board exams were conducted in 3169 exam centers in the state.
District-Wise Pass Percentage
- Tiruppur got 96.4 percent
- Viruddunagar got 95.43 percent
- Permabalur got 95.9 percent
Necessary information
- TN 12th Result 2023
- Conducting Body – Directorate of Government Examination (DGE), Tamil Nadu
- Exam Name – TN HSE (+2) Exam 2023
- Category – Result
- Status – Released
- TN 12th Exam Date – 13th March to 3rd April 2023
- TN 12th Result 2023 – 8th May 2023
- Students Appeared – 8,03,385
- Overall Pass Percentage – 94.03%
- Official Website – www.tnresults.nic.in, www.dge.tn.gov.in
Compartment in Exam
There are some of the students who didn’t pass the exam, which we know as compartment or back. That’s a very hard time for a student but this is their fault. When you will not study how do you expect to pass the exam? At this time relative and neighbours will make talks and will not let you live peacefully. So study hard during this time. Let’s proceed by sharing some necessary information regarding compartment and their exams.
There are almost 50000 students who failed in 12th exams. The result of the compartment exam was declared on 24th July 2023. Compartment exams were conducted by the government from 19th to 26th June 2023
Compartment exam information
- Conducting Body – Government of Tamil Nadu Directorate of Government Examinations
- Name of Exam – TN 12th Supplementary Exam 2023
- Category – Result
- Status – Released
- TN 12th Supplementary Exam Date – 19th to 26th June 2023
- TN 12th Supplementary Result 2023 – 24th July 2023
- Login Credentials – Exam Roll number and DOB
- Official Website – www.tnresults.nic.in and www.dge.tn.gov.in
How to check the result of the compartment exam?
- Initially, Go to the official website i.e. www.dge.tn.gov.in.
- After that, Tap on the Results tab
- To proceed click the link Supplementary Exam, Jun/Jul 2023 – Result – Statement of Marks Download.
- Then a new window appears on the screen.
- Type your Enrollment number and date of birth and click on the search button.
- Download it take a printout and save it for future preference.
Grading of compartment exams
Grade Marks Range Grade Point
A1 91-100 10
A2 81-90 9
B1 71-80 8
B2 61-70 7
C1 51-60 6
C2 41-50 5
D 33-40 4
E1 21-32 rd –
E2 20 & Below
Details available on Compartment exam result
- Student name – Full name of the student.
- Father’s Name – Full name of the father
- Mother’s Name – Full name of the mother
- Enrolment Number – The number given by the board to the students for the identification reason
- Score – Marks are mentioned on the result separately for theory and practical both
- Full marks – The aggregate number of every subject is mentioned there
- Pass Marks – Passing marks are mentioned in each and every subject

Finally, we only want to say that the 12th result plays an important part in every student’s life. Just give that one year to your studies properly. It decides your college for which college you are eligible for admission. When you get a good college then you get good faculties, a good environment, a good canteen, and good learning. So the 12th class result is one of the very important things for your career. Moreover, if you score well in the 12th class then there are a lot of government colleges which are having a very low fee. The 12th result is one of the very vital things that everyone asks about it.
If you score well you and your parents will be happy. Getting a good or a dream college is totally based on the 12th result. Thank you for reading the article till the end. Hope it was informational to you.